Thursday, May 20, 2010

An ecologist and a computer

I am not really interested in technology: I don’t need acquiring the last technological innovation. Indeed, I content myself with what I already have. My way of living is quite simple and, as far as possible, ecologic.
Nevertheless, in this case, I must choose “my favorite piece of technology”: hard task in so far as I use few technological objects.
But I would say that my notebook is the piece of technology I could not live without. I got it a year ago, just before leaving France. I use it for many activities, and spend much time on it, everyday. Its main function is communication: I use internet to communicate with my family and friends of France, but also of Chile, to organize activities for instance. This is a really convenient object. Besides, I use my notebook to study: I use it to make researches on internet, to write essays. Finally, my notebook is for me as a permanent and free newspaper. Indeed, everyday, I have a look at the French, Chilean and British newspapers online, to be aware of what is happening out of Santiago.
For all these indispensable functions, I am happy of being in possession of this notebook. Consequently, I cannot deny that my life without it would be … I do not know how to qualify it, but there would be a sort of emptiness.

If I had it, I would have better chose another piece of technology, but I could not have answered to all the questions. It is a piece of technology – of ecodesign to be precise – aimed at doing compost. I hope I have it next year!


  1. It's true, notebooks are very useful...I hope I have mine back with me soon.

    Very interesting the whole ecodesign and ecologist thing, also! I wish you have that technology next year =)

  2. I choose my mp3, but I totally agree, without my laptop, I don't know how I could communicate with my friends in France, or watch movies, and obviously study.
    I like this ecodesign stuff, it seems very good, and very usefull. Because all the technology we have is polluting and we should really change our way of living.

  3. It is funny to see we have exactly the same us of our laptop. We are kind of hooked on it, and it might be interesting to calculate how many hours a day we use it...
